Active Ingredient: 722 g/l Propamocarb Hydrochloride
Formulation : Soluble concentrate (SL)
Packaging : 250 ml
A fungicide in solution concentrate formulation which is effective against mildew and rot diseases.
Method Of Application
Mildew of sunflower: Administration is made before sowing as seed application. It is a liquid plant protection product and the recommended amount of medicines for 100 kg of seeds in powder and liquid formulations is dissolved in 1 – 1.5 litres of water and then, medicated water is distributed homogeneously to the whole seed by mixing.
Green parts spraying in cucurbitaceae and tomato: Spraying is started once first signs of disease appear on the leaves. The second spraying is made after a week. Application is repeated at a 10-day interval if necessary, depending on the course of disease and weather conditions.
Mildew of potato: For mildew in potato, spraying is started once conditions are favorable for disease or first disease signs appear and application is repeated at 10-12-day intervals as long as weather conditions continue being suitable for disease.
Tobacco: The soil is slightly moisted right after seeds are sown in tobacco seedbeds. Then the pesticide is applied. Application is repeated 25-30 days later.
Mildew of tomato: Management is started when brown spots with a diameter of 3-5 mm are noticed on tomato leaves, with a white ash-like conidiospore layer on the lower surface. Or in the places where disease appear every year, when the suitable conditions are met for disease, the administration is started. Application is continued at 10-12 day intervals depending on the course of disease and climatic conditions.
Compatibility: Tank mixtures can be prepared with other fungicides. Not to be mixed with the Bordeaux mixture and foliar fertilizers. Should be used alone during seed treatment.
Detailed Table Information
Tobacco | Collapse in tobacco seedlings | 7.5 ml / m2 (with 3-4 L of water) | 3 days |
Potato | Mildew (Phythophthora infestans) | 250 ml / da | 3 days |
Cucumber | Mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) | 250 ml / da | 3 days |
Tomato(Greenhouse) | Rubbing and root rot in vegetable seedlings (Pythium sp., Fusarium spp.) | 750 ml/da | 3 day |
Tomato | Mildew (Phythophthora infestans) | 250 ml / 100 L water | 3 days |
Sunflower | Mildew (Plasmopara helianthi) | 500 ml / 100 kg seed | 0 day |